Sasha has Andy in an impossible situation. Today he is going to be rewired to eroticize debt. Sasha has Andy locked into the edger
apparatus. It’s steel; inescapable. Andy is forced to watch whatever Sasha chooses through VR goggles. Andy wears noise canceling
headphones. The only thing he can hear is Sasha’s voice. He will have to listen. Andy cannot move his body much while locked into
the apparatus. An edging machine runs tirelessly. His balls are clamped into a metal ball crusher. He cannot pull away from the
stimulation of the edger. The stimulation will keep him aroused throughout the entire reprogramming session. Sasha starts the
rewiring by showing Andy pictures of pretty girls. Andy has confessed that he considers himself to be attracted to pretty girls.
Sasha exploits this obvious weakness and uses it against Andy. In preliminary tests, Andy indicated a strong desire to make pretty
girls happy. This makes him an excellent subject for the rewire. Sasha believes that she can use Andy’s impulse to make pretty
girls happy to lead him to become sexually aroused by his own financial debt. After all, money makes girls happy. And spending
money is probably the only way a guy like Andy could ever make a girl happy, what with all his physical and mental inadequacies.
Rewiring Andy’s brain is really the best thing for everyone. It will aid pretty girls in getting to Andy’s money with minimal
effort, and going into debt will now give Andy a sense of pleasure. After the rewiring session, Andy will actually seek out
situations that cause him to go into debt for pretty girls. Debt will turn him on like nothing else before. With his mind in this
altered state, he will be so easy to rinse and ultimately financially ruin. Girls will be able to sense this newly exposed
vulnerability. For the first time in his life, Andy will be surrounded by pretty girls. This is not because of anything remarkable
about Andy, it is simply because his weaknesses have been opened wide and girls who like using men will find he is now an
extremely easy mark. He will be left exposed. There is no going back from a mind fuck like this. Sasha is permanently changing the
way he thinks about both sex and money. She will link the two in ways which will prove very unhealthy for Andy, but very
beneficial to any girl who wants to dig into his brain and wallet further. When Sasha has finished altering Andy’s thoughts and
feelings, she puts him straight back into chastity. This is because sexual feelings are only useful for training, and unnecessary
in a male like Andy otherwise. A full orgasm will not further his utility, nor will it benefit Sasha directly. So, it’s straight
back into chastity for Andy until the next session.
File Size :740 MB
Resolution :1920 x 1080 MPEG-4
Duration :00:11:50
Thumbnails :
