We br0ught you up here because we’ve been wanting to have a threesome for soooo long but haven’t found the right guy yet. We think you could be PERFECT for the job though and we are so excited! Come on, let’s all get naked and fuck. You undress first. Go ahead, don’t be shy….Wait, WHAT!?!? THAT little thing is your dick??? Ewwww! Gross! That’s fucking disgusting! What the fuck is wrong with it? It’s not just small, but ugly too! I can’t believe we were about to sleep with you. Ugghhh, why did you even come up here and waste our time? You must know that it’s small….I mean, there’s no way you couldn’t know that your penis is microscopic! Now we are going to have to find someone else. Fuck it, maybe we’ll just find a BBC to satisfy us both. Then we’ll send you pics from the threesome to rub in your face how inadequate you are. Haha, you are such a fucking LOSER with that tiny dick! You could’ve had two smoking hot girls at once but your pathetic little cock ruined it for you. Must suck to suck!
File Size :220 MB
Resolution :1280 x 720 MPEG-4
Duration :00:06:40
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