“Doing a little dance there huh?”
You know how it is, Shay.
Those damned things have a mind of their own at times.
Of course the outfit you’re wearing doesn’t leave much to the imagination.
So it’s no wonder that your customer’s cock is doing a jig.
This really doesn’t faze you as you are a consummate professional.
What does stun you is when your customer informs you of the daily goings on at The Shady Spa.
You can’t believe what the other girls do to obtain regular customers and good reviews.
On the other hand, everyone’s gotta eat. Including you.
You really want regular customers and five star reviews.
So it comes as no surprise when you give your current customer a nice long blowjob.
And he’ll be your regular when you end the massage with a handjob to completion.
Good job Shay! Just puttin’ food on the table.
File Size :424 MB
Resolution :1920 x 1080 MPEG-4
Duration :00:14:09
